Sunday, December 28, 2014

Gundam Breaker 2 Vita

Hello Everyone,

It's time to talk about Gundam Breaker 2 for the PSVita. The game is a recent release by Bandai Namco as well as being a sequel to Gundam Breaker released last year, around the same time. I was always fond of the previous game, and had high hopes for the recent sequel. How will that effect my in depth look into the game? Hopefully nothing, but keep in mind as I try to be objective that I do have an extreme love for the Gundam Franchise and the Breaker series of games.

Also, if you want more information about the gameplay please check my youtube video about it. (Link On Top). Because Bandai Namco have locked screen capture function on the PSVita for the game. Hence why some of my blog posts do not have pictures or images.


Gundam Breaker 2 revolves around an unnamed, voiceless protagonist. In a world where Gunpla's popularity started a virtual game involving using these models to fight in a virtual environment to enact different Gundam battles. For those interested to a Gundam anime that is kind of like this check out Gundam Build Fighter.

The game is separated by two modes. Story mode goes through a fairly long game play with a plot line revolving the Archangel, the assault ship from Gundam Seed. I will not go further in to the storyline as it may take away too much from the game. Challenge mode, which I felt to be a bit more bare boned, is a more arena based gameplay style and is has more focus on multi game modes.

Different modes of the game involves: Capture the Points, Survival, Capsule Defence, Team death match. In my experience, Capture the point is the most annoying to win at times if your Gunpla isn't upgraded enough as enemy spawns are random and sometimes your friendly npc gets confused.

What is New:

Gundam Breaker 2's difference from Gundam Breaker is not just more emphasis on the story mode. But also some of the upgrade systems brought up from the original.

1) More emphasis on Gunpla upgrade through the scratch systems. In the previous game, scratch is usually used to change modes ie. Banshee's arm to a stronger version. Different, piece specific EX attacks, Burst attacks, and option attacks can be upgraded through this Scratch system as well.

2) Weapons no longer drop. The weapon building system took care of that. ACE enemies will sometimes drop the necessary cores, upgrade systems to craft your weapons.

3) More Mobile Suits.

4) More Mobile Armor encounters. I really do not like fighting them to be honest, a lot of them are  quite cheap and is hard to long on.

5) Long Rifles no longer lock on, you have to use your aim.

Problems with the Game:

Like any game released as of recent years, there are problems. The game suffers from many glitches and game crashes, while I don't know how to really recreate the crashes at all. There was however 1 major bug that involved ACEs not spawning despite having the alarm sound sometimes. Often occurring after a long sleep mode on the Vita this bug pretty much rendered your last mission run null and void.

The Lock-on get's annoying sometimes, though you can deactivate, it really hinders your view at times when a mission involves aiming a specific area or enemy.


Overall, the game is a solid Gundam experience on the PSVita. While I felt that the game could have been better, the amount of effort and changes Bandai Namco did to the game and some of it's mechanics really made the game quite enjoyable.

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