Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Channel's Code of Ethics (Revealed)

For the first part of my youtube channel's life I've ran without a code of ethics. However, one video in particular have always bothered me: RinniePie Rants: Warriors Orochi 2 Ultimate for the PSVita. Although this video has been quite a while back for me, and my video's format style have long since changed, it was due to this video that has made me discover a need for a code of ethics. I never wanted to mislead the audience and in my blind rage over the game I posted a video I wasn't proud of.  After re-watching it several months back, it has caused the shift in my approach to the current First Impressions series style.

I have recently made the video private, not because I am scared of people calling me out on various things mentioned in the video. While I still hold true to my thoughts that the game is nothing more than a cash in and a poorly optimised port, I felt that I cannot allow a video that is so poorly done to remain on the video list. 

Enclosed here is a version of my Code of Ethics, which I have written soon after re-watching the video.

RinniePie's Code Of Ethics:

What is the Goal of the Channel- 

1)  Promote and Inform Customers of Various Handheld Games. (Mostly Japanese Import)
     - Try to answer any questions in the comment section. Due to the nature of the First Impression format, it is not always clear on some of the things encountered during filming.  
2)  Share my personal interests with video logs.

3)  Practice for speeches and reaction

4)  Make a living? (Not interested in becoming a youtuber at the moment)

Channel Series:

RinniePie Vlog~ 
To talk about current affairs for me personally.

First Impressions~ 
This is the main focus of the channel, 1 Unboxing video to show what is enclosed in the game box. Disclose if any gifts were given during the purchase of the game. 
Promote discussion, and provide description on what the game is about, interesting systems, anything that sets the game apart from all the others. 

Let's Plays~
Play games, have fun, do commentary. 

Paid Promotion:

-I will avoid any paid promotion I do not fully endorse. 

-In the unlikely circumstances that I do take a paid promotion. I will inform the audience through verbal statements in the video or through the description. 

The ideas listed above is the code of ethics that I have been following for most of my most recent videos. To be honest, I put the paid promotion part as a joke since I am not really looking for fame or  to becomes a full youtuber. The whole reason why I started doing youtube video was because of how shy I was. I was scared to be in the limelight and saw youtube as a platform in which to help me get over my fears and become a better speaker.

-Thank you for reading, I will see you all a little later

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