Monday, June 8, 2015

Very busy lately

Lately, I just don't have time to update my blog along size my youtube channel. In an attempt to think of which one to keep I decided to keep going with the Youtube channel and take a break on the blog, I will return back to it once everything has settled down a bit more.

Friday, March 20, 2015

God Eater 2 Rage Burst

<Due to problems with my PSVita right now I was unable to acquire any images. It is now in the shop getting fixed atm>

God Eater 2 Rage Burst has been one of my most anticipated games for 2015. As someone who has played the God Eater Series ever since it's first release on the Playstation Portable. I purchased the game once it released in Taiwan and while the amount of time I once had for playing video games has been taken away by my current workload and passion of music. I found myself constantly being pulled back to play this game.

As a full disclosure measure, I must say that my views may be slanted in favour of this game as it was one of the series that came to me in my time of need. I was going through a time of soul searching when the game first came into my crosshairs and having picked up and played hundreds of hours in the series combined. I fear my opinions might need to be taken with a grain of salt as everyone's experience and opinion is different. 

God Eater 2 Rage Burst picks up the story after the GE2 ended and stars the player, as the silent protagonist, as you continue to find out about the fate of Julius Visconti through the investigation of the Helix Tree. New Aragami, the main enemies in the game, are introduced as well as a powerful ability called the Rage Burst.

The game's various systems were kept fairly intact. I dare say that the developers did nothing to change the combat systems introduced in God Eater but instead added things to it. Much of the addition have been for balance sake and also to create even more of an urgency and a sense of danger to the game. From here I will list some of the addition to the gameplay system to make things more clear as well as some of my thoughts.

1) Addition of new weapon: Valiant Scythe
     From the first God Eater I have always wondered how a Scythe weapon would work with the arsenals. I have to say I was impressed with the weapon, while not really all that strong when it comes to breaking pieces off the Aragami the scythe is capable of dishing out pretty decent damage because of it's range and combo abilities. The scythe's currently one of the longest hitting melee weapon in the game and synergises well with gunner oriented players.

2) Rage Burst System
     The newly introduced Rage Burst system gives the player something in the line of limited god mode to help offset the new down status or death system. In order to activate Rage Burst, the player must first deal enough damage to the enemies enough to charge up a bar next to the radar. Once charged, the player must complete some tasks in order to activate Rage Burst, being taken down prior to activation will cancel out and completely waste the charge so be very careful when activated. Once activated, Rage Burst makes it so that you cannot be damage, no decrease in OP, ST, and increased damage to all weapons.

3) New Downed System
     Traditionally God Eater's never had anything keeping the player from being picked up by allies constantly to finish a mission, except the occasional situation in the entire team being taken down. In order to offset that, the developers have added a new blue bar into the HUD to tell the players how many times they can be downed before the game pretty much kicks you and your team out of the mission. This is a good thing, as it increased the difficulty of the game as well as making the game feel more is at stake if you get downed.

4) Return of the Mail System
    While this is not a very big feature the developers has returned the mail system back to the game. While minor, the mail system gives the player more of a interaction with the npcs.

5) New Arragami types

6) New Story and Plot

Personal Thoughts and Conclusion:
This expansion to God Eater 2 is totally worth the price. The developers did all they could to upgrade the systems brought forth by GE2 and made it even better and more streamlined. A lot of the problems which was overshadowed by the original gameplay, story and plot was actually addressed and fixed. As I have stated with the New downed system, there was really no need to do it but having it is a great addition.  Keep in mind that I will most likely be biased as I have played this game from the beginning, but I stand by to saying this game is a great addition to the PSVita library. Anyone interested in Monster Hunter style gameplay will probably like it as well. Should you get it? The choice is yours, I'm here to inform you as a consumer to make your own decision.